Thursday, January 16, 2014

Article Video Marketing: A Hybrid Internet Marketing Strategy

Article Video Marketing: A Hybrid Internet Marketing Strategy
With the cut-throat competition in the World Wide Web, it is important that internet marketers think about new strategies to market their products and services to their target audience. Aside from organic SEO, pay-per-click advertising and blogging, one of the newest internet marketing strategies is article video marketing. Article marketing is an internet marketing strategy that has been around for a long time. This particular marketing strategy is very beneficial as it helps online businesses build their reputation in a particular industry. On the other hand, video marketing is the use of videos to draw the attention of many people. In fact, most companies now owe their success to releasing viral videos that have caught the attention of their target markets worldwide. Today, creative internet marketers have tapped the power of both article and video marketing to create article video marketing which improves the playing field of companies in marketing their businesses. What Is Article Video Marketing As the name implies, article video marketing is a hybrid internet marketing strategy that makes use of both video and article marketing. This online advertising campaign is all about creating two to five minutes of short video about a particular topic using content from text sources such as articles and blog posts. The videos are usually uploaded in video sharing sites such as YouTube and Vimeo to get exposure. In most cases, article video marketing is also a great strategy is you want to improve your online reputation to your clients. How To Do Article Video Marketing The main idea in article video marketing is to convert articles to videos so that people will save time and effort in acquiring the information that they need. There are different ways to turn articles to videos and below is an in-depth discussion of the popular methods article video conversion. PowerPoint Presentation – one of the most traditional ways to turn text into videos is by using the PowerPoint software. You need to type in the information that you want as well as add pictures and music to make your videos more professional. You can also add voice-over narration for the video so that your viewers will be able to easily follow the video. Camtasia Software – another interesting method of converting articles to videos is by using the Camtasia software. This software does the same things as the PowerPoint software does but the best thing about using Camtasia is that you can easily upload the slideshow to video sharing sites like YouTube as soon as you’re done. There are many other slideshow makers that you can use to create compelling article videos to convey your message to your target audience and all there is to it is to use the ones that you are most comfortable with. Advantages of Article Video Marketing There are many advantages of using article video marketing and one of them is that it serves as a great alternative for your company to promote your business to a wider audience. Since most people now are receptive to video marketing, you will easily get your message across using article video marketing. Moreover, most people can easily remember information through visuals and this strategy makes it easier for people to get the information that they need without having to read long articles. Another advantage of article video marketing is that you will also have better chances of improving your search engine ranking. Today, Google places high value on videos thus if you take advantage of article video marketing and place the necessary tags, links and descriptions, you will be able to make your site more visible in search engines. In fact, there have been many internet marketers who have reported high website traffic and conversion by using this hybrid internet marketing strategy. The Disadvantages Of Article Video Marketing Although article video marketing comes with a lot of advantages, this particular internet marketing strategy also comes with several disadvantages. One of the biggest disadvantages is that reading the text can be boring but this can be remedied by adding interesting pictures as well as voice over narration to make your article videos more interesting. Moreover, it is also important to keep the article videos brief and concise so that your viewers or readers will be able to get the information that they need quickly. Another disadvantage of using article video marketing is that the contents in your article videos might create conflict with the original text source. Article marketing is one of the most saturated internet marketing strategies and using article videos containing similar information with the text source might be already irrelevant. However, this can be remedied if you make article videos and highlight only on a particular concept to make your videos relevant. There are several disadvantages when using article video marketing but these can be remedied by taking important measures to optimize this particular internet marketing strategy. What To Consider When Doing Article Video Marketing Article video marketing is a good internet marketing strategy but it is important that you need to create quality videos. Poorly produced videos are not going to help boost brand awareness for your company. In fact, a poor video gives the impression that you lack the technical expertise and this then reflects in the quality of products and services that you provide to your company. Article video marketing can be challenging strategy and if this is the first time to implement this particular internet marketing strategy, then it is important that you hire someone who is going to make videos for you. This will not only save you a lot of time but you will also save your effort which you can use to focus on more important business processes that need your attention. Article video marketing is considered as one of the most exciting methods of internet marketing strategy as it works using the power of two internet marketing strategies. This is the reason why it is important that you should try this marketing strategy in order to drive more traffic to your website as well as improve your website conversion .

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