Wednesday, January 29, 2014

How To Be A Truly Successful Parent
How To Be A Truly Successful Parent
How To Be A Truly Successful Parent

Parenting is one of the most important and difficult jobs adults take on. It does not have to be made any harder, though, by trying to think up new answers to every question. Parents and childcare professionals have shared so much information on the subject of child-rearing that there is plenty of good advice to take in.

Make sure your child has time to be a child! Don't force them to grow up and deal with things too early. Kids are only young once, and it's important that they get to make the most out of it. Give them time to play and explore and to just be a kid.

Just like other relationships you may have in your life, communicating is the key to connecting with your child. By letting them know you are interested in what they have to say, they will feel like they can trust you. By you communicating with them, they are more likely to respect you.

When it comes to trying to change kids' bad behavior, parents should try to "walk the walk" by setting a good example. Just as most parents cannot stand the sound of their children whining, nearly all children can hardly bear parental nagging. Instead of constantly harping on your child, make a positive statement encouraging them to follow through with some action and accompanying it with a brief explanation of the consequences of failure to do so.

If your child must take a liquid medication, ask your pharmacist for dosing spoons, bulbs, or oral syringes instead of using kitchen spoons or measuring cups. Standard kitchen measurements can hold as much as three times the amount of a dosing implement, increasing the risk of overdose, stomach upset, or wasted medication.

If you have multiple children, keeping up with all of their prescriptions can be quite a challenge. Walgreens and other chain pharmacies offer iPhone and smart phone apps that allow you to scan the bar code on your child's prescription medication and access information on fill dates, directions and refill status.

If you are a savvy mother that likes to do home haircuts, this tip may help you succeed in a great home hair cut. If you are cutting bangs, just cut the hair that reaches the outside of the outer corners of the eyebrow. It will make it easier for you to cut them straight and even.

Look into the latest in baby monitors for your little one. You can program these new gadgets to call your smart phone whenever there is any kind of noise in your baby's room. It is a great way to get a bit of work done while you baby naps, and get the alert that your baby wants you when she wakes.

Always praise your children for the things they do correctly. Punishment won't work if you don't also reward your kids. They have to have the balance of both to remember that doing good is worth it. Even if it's just a kind word, reward your children for their good behavior.

When teaching your children how to shop, teach them a time out rule. Before any purchase, make your child take five minutes to put the object aside and think about if they really want to spend their money on it. Teaching this habit will help to prevent impulse buying later in life.

Give your child choices whenever you can. This can help to avoid the never ending battle of trying to get your child to do the one thing you want. A child is responsive to choices, even at a young age. It lets them feel a sense of control and accomplishment.

You should try to share your hobbies with your children to see if you will share some common interests. If they do not like the things that you like do not be upset with them. Always remind them that they are free to have their own thoughts and feelings about things.

A fun parenting tip for you is learning how to cut your child's bangs properly. It is so easy to spot a poorly done home haircut by the awful looking bangs. The common mistake is to cut them from ear to ear. You will get a much better result by cutting your child's bangs from eyebrow to eyebrow, going to and from the outside edges.

These are just a few of the things parents can do to take a little of the uncertainty out of the process of raising children. Wise parents are always on the lookout for more good parenting ideas - not just by talking to family and fellow parents, but by reading and reviewing some of the many helpful materials published on the subject.

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